eat more nogstyle to enlarge your chances.

remember: at around one hundred degrees of a secret measurement something starts to melt.

just get red.

yes, mr. waterbottle, stay!

with nordic attitude you may hunt your suede yourself.

you must not trust a boy wearing white t-shirts.

ask a friend to help you clean your shoes.

don't let your children get fat.

people may tell you that you've wasted your time. so what?

if this attracts you, weep!

never leave your wife without a present.

enter politics and get active for something you adore.

feel a scratchy motorgrill on your solarplexus.

after cleaning a car, you may want to buy one yourself.

send a mail with regards from your imaginary brother-in-law to the other end of the world.

go and shake an old woman's hand.

everbody should pay something with his ass once in his life.

support a support group for ex-non-smokers.

visit the paralympics and watch it blindfold.

try to teach english speaking people the difference between "ü" and "u".

drink beer.

once grown up, grow down!

find somthing that rhymes with "mensch".

try to make a photograph of superman while metamorphosing.

learn by heart the worst sayings of bud spencer and terence hill.

found a band called after something silly.

visit a football match and wear a black and yellow jersey.

read a dime novel and write a better one.

make a barbecue at the end of january and sing "california dreamin'".

improve all sounds you can make with your mouth except talking.

tell children that watching oneself in a spoon means watching a future top manager.

learn to swim.

take a no-frills airline to south europe, go shopping in the sun and be back at dawn.

"je suis malade" has nothing to do with breakfast.

teach your dog singing.

find people to make westfalia independent from germany.

draw your boss on some pieces of paper, make flyers and throw them all over the place.

go and watch the next tractor pulling in your region.

make a rock'n roll dancing course together with your girl-friend.

make love, not peace!

pretend to be a painter.

don't find the answer to the question of all questions, be it!

tell people about your daily doing in vietnam.

admit the things you did on your best friend's wedding.

invent a new three worded language.

clean up your flat!

dress up, run over crowded places with one hand on your ear and shout "don't!".

try to be faster over the stairs than your colleagues in the elevator.

rent a schrebergarten.

see a woman win and shed an appropriate number of tears.

wrap some furniture into newspapers with the latest stock charts.

write down all numbers you know without using ciphers.

heat up your car in summer, close all windows and pick up some hitchhikers.

let the sunshine out.

kiss your partner in public.

perform "child in time" for your friends or your colleagues.

take a day ticket for the local bus and go for a drive watching your home town.
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